Betta Fish Fin Rot Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Fin rot is a distressing condition that affects betta fish, causing their delicate fins and tail to deteriorate. This decay is often caused by bacterial or fungal infections that thrive in unfavorable conditions or when a betta’s immune system is compromised. And if you’re wondering if fin rot is contagious, it often isn’t, however, if the conditions of the tank are ripe for fin rot to take place, there is a good chance it will start to happen to the other fish as well.

Causes of Betta Fin Rot

Deteriorating Water Quality

  • Toxic Ammonia and Nitrite: Even small amounts of ammonia or nitrites turn the water into a hostile environment. Their presence signals trouble, as they break down the fish’s defenses, inviting bacteria to take hold.
  • Unattended Waste: A tank left neglected allows debris, uneaten food, and waste to pile up, creating fertile ground for the spread of harmful bacteria.
  • Cold Water Chill: Betta fish are like tropical whispers of warmth; they need steady warmth to thrive. Water that dips below 78°F chills not just the body but the betta’s immune resilience.

Stressful Conditions

  • Hostile Companions: Aggressive tank mates or fin-nippers cause constant tension, pushing your betta into a state of stress, which can weaken its defenses and leave it open to infection.
  • Cramped Quarters: A tank too small feels like a shrinking world, where poor water conditions can escalate quickly. Bettas need at least 5 gallons to stretch their fins and live with ease.
  • Sudden Changes: Abrupt shifts in water temperature or chemistry can rattle a betta’s equilibrium, weakening its natural defenses.

Physical Damage

  • Injuries and Tears: Bettas, with their delicate, flowing fins, can easily tear them on sharp tank decor, leaving behind vulnerable spots for infection to settle.
  • Fin Biting: Sometimes bettas bite their own fins, a sign of boredom or stress. These self-inflicted wounds can turn into festering grounds for bacteria.

Bacterial or Fungal Invaders

  • Opportunistic Infections: The water in a betta’s tank naturally contains bacteria, but when conditions deteriorate, these microorganisms can invade, leading to fin rot.
  • Fungal Complications: In some cases, fungi can further compromise already weakened fins, speeding up the destruction of once-beautiful tails.


  • Food Left to Decay: Excess food that sinks to the tank floor decays, releasing toxins into the water. This breakdown process can lead to a spike in ammonia, creating a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Underlying Weaknesses

  • Weakened Immune System: Whether from poor diet, genetics, or previous illness, some bettas are more vulnerable to infections like fin rot.

Betta Fin Rot Symptoms

Fin rot progresses through distinct stages, each with telltale visual cues:

  • Early Stages: The edges of the fins may appear discolored – white, red, or black – and slightly frayed.
    Image of Early Stage Fin Rot

    Early Stage Fin Rot

  • Moderate Fin Rot: The damage becomes more pronounced, with the fins showing significant fraying, tearing, and loss of tissue. You might notice redness or inflammation at the base of the fins.

    Image of Moderate Fin Rot

  • Severe Fin Rot:The fins may be severely damaged, with large portions missing. In extreme cases, fin rot infections can spread to the body, causing lethargy and loss of appetite.

Severe Fin Rot