Betta Coccina Care, Fish Tank Setup, Feeding & More

Credit: Seriously Fish
If you want to add a flash of fiery color and fascinating behavior to your aquarium, the Scarlet Betta (Betta coccina) might be your ideal fish! This stunning wild betta comes from Southeast Asia’s peat swamps and streams, offering aquarists a unique and rewarding experience.
What Sets Betta coccina Apart
- Brilliant Coloration: Betta coccina males are named for their intense red coloration that deepens when they are excited or flaring. While smaller and less vibrant, females still possess a beautiful brown-red hue.
- Compact Size: This Betta species is relatively small, making them a suitable option even for modestly-sized aquariums.
- Bubble-Nesting Behavior: Like many bettas, male Betta coccina create intricate bubble nests on the water’s surface as part of their breeding ritual.
Setting Up a Betta coccina Paradise
Click here for my favorite book on betta fish care
- Tank Size: While smaller than some bettas, a minimum of 5 gallons is recommended for a single Betta coccina. A 10-gallon tank offers even more space for these active fish to explore.
- Mimicking Their Habitat: Replicate their natural environment with dense plant growth (live or high-quality silk), plenty of driftwood for hiding spots, and Indian almond leaves to release beneficial tannins.
- Filtration: Choose a gentle filtration system, like a sponge filter, to avoid creating strong currents.
- Water Conditions: Betta coccina thrive in soft, acidic water. Creating these conditions requires special attention:
- pH: 4.5-6.5
- Hardness: Very soft (GH 0-5, KH 0-3)
- Temperature: 75-82°F (24-28°C)
- You’ll likely need to use reverse osmosis (RO) water and remineralize it specifically for blackwater environments.
Feeding Your Scarlet Betta
These carnivorous fish will relish a varied diet. Offer them primarily:
- Live Foods: Bloodworms, daphnia, mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp are all favorites.
- Frozen Foods: A good substitute when live foods aren’t available.
- Pellets: Offer occasionally as a supplement, choosing high-quality betta-specific pellets.
Betta coccina Temperament and Tank Mates
Males of this species are best kept alone. While less aggressive than typical Betta splendens males, they will exhibit territorial behavior. Multiple females may coexist in a densely planted tank, but any signs of aggression require close observation.
If considering a community tank, choosing tank mates requires extra attention. Ideal tank mates are peaceful and inhabit similar acidic, soft water conditions. Some options include small tetras, rasboras, or bottom-dwelling fish like Corydoras. It’s essential to research any potential additions thoroughly.
Additional Considerations
- Sourcing: Locating Betta coccina may require finding a specialized breeder or online retailer concentrating on wild betta species.
- Potential Health Issues: Wild bettas can sometimes be more susceptible to certain parasites or diseases. Buy from reputable sources and consider a quarantine period for new fish.
- Behavioral Enrichment: Provide a stimulating environment with live plants offering broad leaves for resting, varying feeding locations, and occasional rearranging of décor for novelty.
The Allure of the Wild Betta
The Betta coccina offers aquarists a chance to care for a wild betta with dazzling colors and natural behaviors. You can create a thriving environment for this stunning fish with a little extra dedication to their specific needs.