Betta Stiktos Care, Tank Setup, Breeding


Betta stikos, a relatively rare species within the aquarium trade, hail from the stagnant waters of the Mekong drainage in Cambodia. These fish prefer environments with little to no current, thriving in ponds, flooded fields, or ditches. Known for their shy yet territorial nature, Betta stikos present a unique challenge and reward for aquarists​​.

Setting Up the Ideal Tank

Size and Tank Size and Layout: A tank of at least 30cm is recommended for individual Betta stikos, with larger sizes being better to accommodate their territorial instincts and provide space for potential tank mates. The layout should mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible, including features such as:

  • Low-tech planted areas
  • Makeshift caves and driftwood for hiding
  • Minimal bright lighting to replicate the dimly lit environments of their native habitats​​.

Water Conditions: Achieving and maintaining the correct water conditions is crucial for the health of Betta stikos. The ideal parameters include:

  • Temperature: 22-26°C
  • pH levels: 5-7.5
  • Water hardness: Up to 10°dGH
  • Regular monitoring and maintenance to ensure these conditions remain stable, especially during the breeding process​​​​.

Nutritional Needs

Betta stikos are carnivorous, requiring a diet consisting of insects and worms to mimic their natural feeding habits. Preferred food sources include live or frozen baby brine shrimp, daphnia, tubifex, bloodworms, and mosquito larvae. Pellet food is often rejected in favor of these more natural options​​.

Companion Compatibility

While generally calm, Betta stikos can exhibit territorial aggression, making the selection of tank mates crucial. Suitable companions may include:

  • Micro fishes such as Celestial Pearl Danios or Boraras, known for their calm demeanor
  • Shrimps should be added before the Betta stikos to establish territory and reduce the risk of aggression​​.

Breeding Insights

Breeding Betta stikos involves a series of steps aimed at encouraging natural behaviors and ensuring the safety of both the adults and the offspring:

  1. Introduction and Courtship: A clear divider may be used to introduce the male and female, allowing them to acclimate to each other’s presence without direct contact. This prevents premature aggression and allows for the display of behaviors that are part of the courtship process​​​​.
  2. Bubble Nest Construction: The male constructs a bubble nest at the water’s surface, signaling readiness for breeding. The environment should support this behavior with calm water and suitable nesting materials​​​​.
  3. Spawning: Following successful courtship, the female releases eggs which the male fertilizes and places into the bubble nest. Careful monitoring is essential to manage potential aggression from the male towards the female post-spawning​​.

Fry Care

The post-spawning care of Betta stikos fry involves a delicate balance of appropriate feeding and maintaining ideal water conditions:

  • Start with infusoria or specially formulated liquid fry food, transitioning to baby brine shrimp as the fry grow.
  • Frequent, small feedings are crucial to meet the high metabolic demands of the developing fry without compromising water quality through overfeeding​​​​.

Disease Prevention and Management

Common diseases affecting Betta fish, including Betta stikos, often stem from poor water quality or stress. Fin rot, Ich, and velvet disease are notable concerns, with prevention focusing on maintaining clean water, stable environmental conditions, and prompt treatment with appropriate medications when necessary​​. Learn more about betta diseases here.


Caring for Betta stikos is a rewarding endeavor that requires attention to detail in tank setup, water conditions, nutrition, and breeding practices. As with all aquarium inhabitants, a commitment to ongoing learning and adaptation to the needs of Betta stikos will ensure their health and happiness within the aquatic community.

This guide has covered the essentials, but remember, each Betta stikos is an individual, and observation and responsiveness to their specific behaviors and needs will further enhance your success in caring for these exquisite fish.

  • Care instructions for betta fish
  • Tank & equipment, water chemistry & maintenance tips
  • Betta basics, diet & food, health & behavior

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